Neotoma API
OAS 3.0

Neotoma is funded by the National Sciences Foundation of the United States (Award 1948962).

The Neotoma Paleoecology Database is a global database of fossils from the last 5.2 million years. All fossil records in Neotoma are reported with metadata that places the sample in space and in time, and provides additional information about taxonomy, publication history, and the models that are used to estimate the sample age. The API is structured to provide users with reliable JSON responses from the live Neotoma Database. Neotoma provides several tools to work with researcher submitted data:

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Our institution is committed to the development of new modes of collaboration, engagement, and partnership with Indigenous peoples for the care and stewardship of past and future heritage collections.


Database tables

Endpoints that access tables from Neotoma verbatim. Documentation for the database can be found in the Neotoma Manual, along with descriptions for individual tables. ONLY tables in the ndb schema can be accessed through this endpoint.

Chronology metadata

Information about chronological controls and the models used to add the temporal component to records.

Contact metadata

Information about Neotoma data contributors, authors and data analysts.

Dataset metadata

Information about site location and metadata specific to the individual dataset.

Data download

Full dataset download, including all sample data for a particular dataset.

Geopolitical metadata

Information about the geopolitical units in which a site is located.

Occurrence metadata

A simplified data return, similar to the data download, but specific to a particular taxon, time or location.

Pollen proportions

For ease of use in online applications, pre-calculated pollen percentages for taxa, location or temporal bins.

Publication metadata

Formatted publication data related to Neotoma records.

Site metadata

All metadata associated with a particular site with fossil records.

Taxonomic metadata

All available information about a particular taxon.

Summary Information

Summary statistics for the database as a whole.


All API endpoints associated with v1.5 of the Neotoma API.


All API endpoints associated with v2.0 of the Neotoma API.

DOI metadata